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Translating high quality research specific to better design and building practice

Assistive Technology - Home Automations

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Many of us find it challenging to complete activities necessary for our well-being and comfort in the home, such as turning the air-conditioner and lights on/off without assistance.

This short video summarises how home automations or "smart" home controls can help us control our home environment easily.


Technology helps make everyday tasks simpler and frees up more of our time.

Imagine if you didn’t have to walk about from room to room adjusting the temperature, dimming or switching lights on and off, opening and closing curtains and louvres and locking or unlocking doors and gates.

That's why more and more devices are becoming "smart", enabling them to work together as a home automation system to make these conveniences possible.

We can interact with them through voice, or by touching a tablet or smartphone display and we can receive updates such as, a door or window was left open, an alarm's been triggered, an appliance was left on, the room temperature has changed, or someone is at the front door.

For older people and people with disability, home automations may even qualify for government funding if they're considered part of the NDIS Home Modifications package.

Please remember that you should only buy home automation systems from reputable companies to minimise security risks.

To find out more, visit and download the fact sheet Home Automations for Older People and People with Disability from

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