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Translating high quality research specific to better design and building practice

EBEP responses to NCC 2019 Public Comment Draft

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Authors EBEP
Audience Authors, Industry

The Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) recently (April 2018) closed the consultation period for the National Construcion Code 2019 Public Comment Draft. Feedback could be submitted on the four Consultation Regulation Impact Statements (RIS) :
• Accessible adult change facilities in public buildings
• Fire safety in Class 2 and Class 3 residential buildings
• Heating and cooling load limits for residential buildings
• Energy efficiency in commercial buildings
EBEP (Enabling Built Environments Program - UNSW) submitted responses for the first two RIS, which have been combined in one file and are available to download through the HMinfo website.

Table of Contents

AACF response 1a

Class 2 and 3 - Response 1b

DV2 and DV3 Response Revised - Response 2

FSVM Response EBEP - Response 3

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