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Translating high quality research specific to better design and building practice

Web Accessibility Guide

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Authors Andersen, K., Hoss, H., Bridge, C.
Audience Authors, Government/NGOs/Peaks, Industry, Librarians/Researchers/Students
ISBN 978-0-7334-3949-0
DOI 10.26288/5f9a27ac71839

Web accessibility is governed by standards and best practice methods that aim to provide access to all potential users of a website. These standards are often not requirements for website design and are often ignored. This guide aims to provide a useful tool to allow web designers and owners to evaluate their websites for accessibility and explains many of the common pitfalls with respect to web accessibility. The guide makes use of both the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and the Usability Guidelines to inform best practice and allow users to make informed choices regarding their own particular needs.

Table of Contents

1.               Introduction  5

1.1.         Guidelines  5

1.2.         Legal Requirements  6

1.3.         Why this guide  7

2.               Accessibility Tools  8

2.1.         Web Accessibility Evaluation (WAVE) Tool 8

2.2.         PowerMapper 10

2.3.         Colour Contrast Analyser (CCA) 12

2.4.         Tool Selection  15

3.               Building an Accessible Webpage  16

3.1.         Basics  17

3.2.         Links and Navigation  19

3.3.         Visual 23

3.4.         User Interface Components  29

3.5.         Text Alternatives  31

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Matthew PutlandVision AustraliaGuest Reviewer

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