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Webinar: Commonwealth Home Support Programme Data Exchange 20 June 2016


You are invited to a live webinar focusing on the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) Data Exchange. The webinar will provide an update of the policy and framework behind the Data Exchange and an opportunity to discuss any issues.

WebinarDate and TimeDescriptionLink
CHSP Data Exchange 20 June 2016
11am – 12pm AEST
The CHSP Data Exchange webinar will provide a brief overview of the policy and framework behind the Data Exchange including:
  • description of the exchange 
  • data entry 
Live Webcasting


From 1 July 2015, the CHSP brought together four programs:

  • Commonwealth Home and Community Care Program
  • Planned respite from the National Respite for Carers Program
  • Day Therapy Centres Program
  • Assistance with Care and Housing for the Aged Program

To support reporting of these programs, the CHSP implemented a new performance reporting process, supported by a simple-to-use IT system, known as the Data Exchange. The Data Exchange replaced all existing service activity reports (Output Variation Reporting and the HACC Minimum Data Set) for the CHSP from 1 November 2015.

The implementation of the Data Exchange means:

You are not required to formally RSVP for the live webinars and there is no limit to the number of participants. The webinars page has instructions to assist you with logging in. A recording of the webinar will be available on the webinars page soon after the live webinar.


From 1 July 2015, the CHSP brought together four programs:

  • Commonwealth Home and Community Care Program
  • Planned respite from the National Respite for Carers Program
  • Day Therapy Centres Program
  • Assistance with Care and Housing for the Aged Program

To support reporting of these programs, the CHSP implemented a new performance reporting process, supported by a simple-to-use IT system, known as the Data Exchange. The Data Exchange replaced all existing service activity reports (Output Variation Reporting and the HACC Minimum Data Set) for the CHSP from 1 November 2015.

The implementation of the Data Exchange means:

You are not required to formally RSVP for the live webinars and there is no limit to the number of participants. The webinars page has instructions to assist you with logging in. A recording of the webinar will be available on the webinars page soon after the live webinar.

Ageing and Aged Care Group

Department of Health

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