Published 3rd April 2020
We have updated the coronavirus (COVID-19) pages on our website to make it easier for you to find important information.You’ll now find a separate section for participants and one for providers.We’ve also included a ‘What happens when…’ section, to answer questions about the changes we are making because of COVID-19.Read more here.
We are listening to your questions and regularly updating the FAQ’s on our website.This week we have added FAQ’s about:
See our FAQ’s here.
As the current situation with COVID-19 is rapidly evolving, your in-person carer services might be affected.The government and carer service providers are working together to provide alternatives for services previously delivered in-person.Carers can continue to access online and phone-based supports.
Our website includes information about our COVID-19 response in Easy Read English and other languages.
Today we released an Easy Read version of our ‘What happens when’ scenarios.We will be updating this information in 12 languages other than English early next week.To read the easy read version visit the ‘What happens when’ page.
We have improved webchat, a ‘live chat’ service on our website you can use to talk to NDIS staff.
All you have to do is verify your identity and we can help you with your personal circumstances. For example, if you want to know about your NDIS plan, you can now use webchat instead of calling.
To start a webchat session, go to our Contact page, from 8am to 8pm AEDT Monday to Friday.
To learn more about webchat, contact us on 1800 800 110, email or visit our 'Another way to talk to us' page.
Source:Unknown Author, 2020, NDIS
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