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Update: CHSP Working Group and survey


On 13 August 2021, the department met with the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) 2022-23 Extension Working Group. The meeting discussed:

  • outcomes of the CHSP survey
  • payment in arrears options such as services delivered based on actual costs, services delivered at a standard unit price and monthly block funding based on a standard unit price
  • the National Unit Pricing Policy.

The CHSP survey closed on 2 August 2021. A total of 800 responses (or 57% response rate) was received, with good coverage from all Service Types and Aged Care Planning Regions. The survey has given the department a good insight into the issues moving to payment in arrears. Specifically, the need to consider the fixed costs of delivering services, an organisation’s IT and their ability to track funding at the individual client level, and service provider cashflow/reserves. The key findings of this survey will be published on the Department of Health website.

In an update on the development of the National Unit Pricing Policy, ACIL Allen Consulting reported they are looking at the relationship between current unit price ranges and a variety of factors such as actual cost, reporting issues, unit definitions, location and client base.

Further information about the transition to payment in arrears and the progression of standard unit pricing will be published on the Department of Health website in the future.

Unknown Author, 2021, Department of Health (

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