Published 9th December 2015
ARATA invites you to participate in a forum from 0930-1130 (AEDT) on Friday 11 December to discuss assistive technology provision for people with disability as a local and global priority.
Hosted by the Australian Rehabilitation & Assistive Technology Association (ARATA) and the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA)
You are invited to participate in a forum from 0930-1130 (AEDT) on Friday 11 December to discuss assistive technology provision for people with disability as a local and global priority. Please adjust times in consideration for Daylight Savings.
The World Health Organisation’s (WHO) GATE Initiative has only one goal – to improve access to high-quality affordable Assistive Products, responding to the call to increase access to essential, high-quality, safe, effective and affordable medical products, one of the six WHO leadership priorities.
Thanks to Nossal Institute (University of Melbourne) for providing a venue, with video-conferencing available at sites across Australia via the NDIA’s network and supporters.
Please RSVP for remote sites by COB 9 December
Emily Steel | | 0431 980 015
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