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Three million Australians will develop dementia by 2050


A new report commissioned by Alzheimer’s Australia forecasts that three million Australians will develop dementia between 2012 and 2050.

The report, Modelling the impact of interventions to delay the onset of dementia in Australia, was prepared by the Dementia Collaborative Research Centre – Assessment and Better Care at the University of New South Wales. Centre Director, Scientia Professor Henry Brodaty, said that the new statistics provide even more evidence that Australia must invest in dementia research now.

“Our analysis shows that if we can develop an effective intervention or treatment to delay the onset of dementia by just five years, we could spare close to one million people from the personal tragedy of a diagnosis of dementia,” Professor Brodaty said.

The release of these statistics coincides with findings from The Australian Medicines Industry, which suggest that Australians are more worried about dementia than diabetes, obesity or depression.


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