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The inclusive gap narrows


“We are determined to see the burgeoning Specialist Disability Housing (SDA) market build with investors, developers and existing and new providers growing with confidence, and in confidence with SDA,” NDIS Minister Stuart Robert said at the ACCESS 2019 Conference in Sydney.

A number of reforms to build confidence in the SDA market have been announced. Among these is the SDA pricing reforms framework that has been updated to give confidence to investors, by keeping prices stable while the market is developing. SDA legislative rules have also been amended to remove all requirements for participants to exhaust all other options before accessing SDA. “These changes will increase the ability of participants to go out into the market to use their funding to find an SDA property or commission a SDA dwelling that meets their needs,” the minister said.

To read the full article, please visit the website.

Kymberly Martin, 2019, Freedom2Live (

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