The new Support at Home Program and broader sector-wide reforms will have a significant impact on the way that Home and Community Care services are delivered and funded.
With the rollout date for the new program moved to July 2024, providers have many questions over what the final model will look like, and fundamentally, concerns regarding the sustainability of their service under the new program. And while these questions remain, there’s already some signs of what to expect and how services can prepare for a successful transition.
At a critical time for the sector, the Future of Home and Community Care conference, developed by The Hatchery in partnership with COTA Australia, will bring together expert, sector and consumer perspectives as we explore the potential Support at Home models and what it could mean for you. We’ll also unpack timely developments impacting Home & Community Care providers including regulatory changes, the implementation of the recent Serious Incident Response Scheme, the future role of care management and changes to the care assessment model.
Don’t miss the opportunity to join us in-person or virtually to discuss the most pressing issues facing Home & Community Care providers as we share critical insights and identify practical strategies.
Chief Executives, General Managers, Directors & Managers from Home & Community Care providers with responsibilities for:
Tue 4 Apr 2023 - Wed 5 Apr 2023Tue 4: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PMWed 5: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Novotel Sydney Central
Early bird discount: $100
Created 27th February 2023
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