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The Aged Care Amendment (Red Tape Reduction in Places Management) Act 2016 became law on 10 February 2016


On 10 February 2016, the Aged Care Amendment (Red Tape Reduction in Places Management) Act 2016 became law. The new Act is available on the ComLaw website.

The Act amends the Aged Care Act 1997 to:

  • change the process for transferring places between approved providers and replaces the application form with a more simplified Notice of Transfer that is signed by the transferring parties; and 
  • increase the timeframe for approved providers to make provisionally allocated places operational from two to four years, while also limiting the number of extensions available.

As a result, approved providers of aged care will no longer need to apply to the Department of Health to request an approval to transfer an aged care place to another aged care provider.

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