Published 6th January 2014
Ageing, Disability and Home Care Service Charter released (December, 2013)
A new Ageing, Disability and Home Care (ADHC) Charter setting out the rights and expectations of people with disability and older people when they access supports and services has been released. The Service Charter outlines the standard of service people can expect from ADHC services and contains practical and easy-to-follow advice to ensure people get the most out of ADHC services. It provides an overview of the standard of service clients and their families can expect, how these standards are monitored, and what people can do if services do not meet expectations. The Charter is rights based and person centred, with an emphasis on people who receive ADHC-funded services. It aligns with the current focus on person-centred approaches, the transition to the National Disability Insurance Scheme and existing Stronger Together 2 and Ready Together commitments. The ADHC Service Charter is available in English, Easy English, and 27 languages other than English. The Charter is the first of its kind to be introduced within ADHC, and includes clear information about how to provide feedback and make a complaint about a breach of the Charter or any other issue. To view the charter visit:
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