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Senate calls on government to respond to decade of aged care reviews


A Senate inquiry has recommended the federal government take steps to make it clear that residential aged care providers ultimately hold a duty of care to all residents and that the quality commission has a similar responsibility for regulation.

The inquiry into aged care quality assessment and accreditation also called on the government to respond to key aged care reports from the past decade to improve the delivery of aged care services and regulation in a recommendation that is strongly supported by aged care peak bodies.

The Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs tabled its final report last week after a lengthy inquiry that commenced on 13 June 2017 after then Senator Nick Xenophon instigated it following the failures at the Oakden facility in South Australia.

The first stage of the inquiry investigated the accreditation framework and its ability to protect residents from abuse and poor practices and the committee backed calls for an overhaul of the quality oversight and regulation framework in its interim report released on 13 February 2018.

To read the full article, please visit the website.

Sandy Cheu, 2019, Australian Ageing Agenda (

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