Published 17th December 2007
The recent spate of corporate failures and collapses highlights the need for effectiveRisk Management and governance. It is the responsibility of every Director, Board or CEO to ensure that they have a framwork in place that will help to analyse those intrinsic risks that every business encounters. Failure to do so could expose yourself to negative consequences, or even worse, lost opportunities.
This highlights how crucial Risk Management is becoming for every organisation. It should be entwined into every business decision, every negotiation, and every meeting. This process requires a clear and structured approach to work efficiently.
For an effective, yet concise framework, use Australia's leading business standard, AS/NZS 4360:2004, Risk management.the latest edition of the world's premier Eisk Management Standard provides a simple generic guide outlining a proven seven step process. It outlines a framework to help establish context, identify, analyse, evaluate and treat risk, whilst promoting ongoing communication, consultation, monitoring and review.
For more information and ordering details visit
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