Published 22nd May 2014
The below publications have been reprinted and are available for download from the Publications by HMinfo page on the website.
Consumer Factsheets
Adams, T., Bridge, C., Carnemolla, P., McNamara, N., & Quinn, J. (2014), Consumer Factsheet: Arranging Home Modifications, UNSW Australia, Home Modification Information Clearinghouse.
Hodges, L. & Bridge, C. (2007), Consumer Factsheet: Designing home environments for people with aggressive or self-injurious behaviour, UNSW Australia, Home Modification Information Clearinghouse.
Seton, H., Bridge, C. & Mathews, S. (2006), Consumer Factsheet: Effectiveness of Grabrail Orientations During the Sit-to-Stand Transfer, UNSW Australia, Home Modification Information Clearinghouse.
Oram, L., Cameron, J. & Bridge, C. (2006), Consumer Factsheet: Grabrail Diameter, UNSW Australia, Home Modification Information Clearinghouse.
Millikan, L. (2009), Consumer Factsheet: How can colour affect the ageing eye and the visually impaired?, UNSW Australia, Home Modification Information Clearinghouse.
Carnemolla, P. & Bridge, C. (2013), Consumer Factsheet: Landscape Modifications, UNSW Australia, Home Modification Information Clearinghouse.
Jung, Y.M. (2010), Consumer Factsheet: Ramps or lifts for residential properties: comparing their costs and benefits, UNSW Australia, Home Modification Information Clearinghouse.
Jung, Y. M. & Bridge, C. (2009), Consumer Factsheet: The Effectiveness of Ceiling Hoists in Transferring People with Disability, UNSW Australia, Home Modification Information Clearinghouse.
Industry Checklists
Martin, G. & Millikan, L. (2009), Industry Checklist: Colour and colour contrast in the homes of elderly and visually impaired people, UNSW Australia, Home Modification Information Clearinghouse.
Jung, Y. M. & Bridge, C. (2009), Industry Checklist: Ceiling hoists as a method of transferring people with disabilities, UNSW Australia, Home Modification Information Clearinghouse.
Jung, Y. M. (2010), Industry Checklist: Cost-benefit factors when choosing between ramps and lifts, UNSW Australia, Home Modification Information Clearinghouse.
Hodges, L. & Bridge, C. (2008), Industry Checklist: Designing home environments for people with problems with cognition who display aggressive or self-injurious, UNSW Australia, Home Modification Information Clearinghouse.
Seton, H., Bridge, C. & Mathews, S. (2006), Industry Checklist: Effectiveness of grabrail orientations during the sit-to-stand transfer, UNSW Australia, Home Modification Information Clearinghouse.
Carnemolla, P. & Bridge, C. (2013), Industry Checklist: Landscape Modification, UNSW Australia, Home Modification Information Clearinghouse.
Oram, L., Cameron, J. & Bridge, C. (2006), Industry Checklist: Selecting Diameters for Grabrails, UNSW Australia, Home Modification Information Clearinghouse.
Lee, F., Bridge, C. & Mathews, S. (2006), Industry Checklist: Selecting Doorbells for People with Hearing Impairment, UNSW Australia, Home Modification Information Clearinghouse.
Industry Factsheets
Bridge, C. & Jung, Y.M. (2009), Industry Factsheet: Ceiling hoists as a method of transferring people with disabilities, UNSW Australia, Home Modification Information Clearinghouse.
Martin, G. & Millikan, L. (2009), Industry Factsheet: Colour and colour contrast in the homes of elderly and visually impaired people, UNSW Australia, Home Modification Information Clearinghouse.
Jung, Y. (2010), Industry Factsheet: Cost-benefit factors when choosing between ramps and lifts, UNSW Australia, Home Modification Information Clearinghouse.
Occasional Research Papers
Bridge, C., Sivaraman, V., Kay, M., Li, A., Thorne, J. & Davy, L. (2013), A user appraisal of the contribution of built environment factors to the independence and wellbeing of older people in two NSW regional town centres, UNSW Australia, Home Modification Information Clearinghouse.
Jung, Y.M. & Bridge, C. (2012), Demountable ramps: A qualitative assessment of value for people with mobility impairments, UNSW Australia, Home Modification Information Clearinghouse.
Fishpool, J. & Bridge, C. (2012), Follow-up efficacy post environmental modifications; a guide for clinical practice, UNSW Australia, Home Modification Information Clearinghouse.
Carnemolla, P. & Bridge, C. (2011), Home Modifications and Their Impact on Waged Care Substitution, UNSW Australia, Home Modification Information Clearinghouse.
Walls,R., Millikan, L., Bridge, C. & Davy, L. (2013), Home Modifications in Aboriginal Housing, UNSW Australia, Home Modification Information Clearinghouse.
Carnemolla, P. & Bridge, C. (2012), Landscape Modification: an alternative to residential access ramps and lift, UNSW Australia, Home Modification Information Clearinghouse.
Millikan, L. (2012), Summary Bulletin: Environmental Assessment & Modification for Australian Occupational Therapists, UNSW Australia, Home Modification Information Clearinghouse.
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