Published 15th June 2021
On 4 June 2021, the Australian Government announced the introduction of a new reporting tool for all approved providers of residential, in-home and community aged care services to report on the COVID-19 vaccination status of their aged care workforce.
All approved providers of aged care services are strongly encouraged to start reporting now.
Weekly reporting of worker vaccination information is at an individual service level.
Reporting is via the My Aged Care portal for approved providers. The new reporting requires approved providers to record de-identified data at a service level on the:
The reporting on workforce COVID-19 vaccination status is mandatory starting on 15 June 2021 for all approved providers of residential aged care services.
It will become mandatory for all approved providers of in-home and community aged care services in the coming weeks.
It is currently voluntary for aged care workers to notify their workplace if they have received a COVID-19 vaccination and to show evidence of the vaccination in all states and territories except South Australia.
In South Australia, under the Emergency Management (Residential Aged Care Facilities No 36) (COVID-19) Direction 2021, all staff and volunteers must notify and provide evidence to the operator of a residential aged care facility of any COVID-19 vaccination they have received, if the vaccination was not conducted through a vaccination clinic held at that facility. South Australian residential aged care facilities must maintain records of those vaccinations. South Australian residential aged care providers are still required to report via the My Aged Care Provider Portal.
To access the new reporting tool on the My Aged Care Provider Portal, all approved providers are advised to refer to the updated My Aged Care Provider Portal User Guide: Part 1 Administrative Functions which are available on the website. Section 2.6 (page 84) provides the steps to report on workforce COVID-19 vaccination status.
Fact sheets for residential aged care
Fact sheets for In home and community aged care
Source:Unknown Author, 2021, Department of Health (
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