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Rehabilitation International (Australia) presents its 2012 Forum – an examination of Accessible, Affordable and Appropriate Housing.

“Taking the Roof off Housing”

What do ADAPTABLE and LIVABLE housing really mean? Explore the voluntary code on
LIVEABLE HOUSING DESIGN. Can accessible housing be affordable, sustainable, integrated
with the external environment & to the community? Can it also be culturally appropriate for
Indigenous and immigrant people. Internally, SMART HOUSING will have the best internal
technologies – automated & with environmental control units – for people with mobility
impairment and ageing Australians.

Latest technology will include live captioning, broadcast Auslan, podcast
International presenter participating via Skype video

Topic 1: Liveable Housing, Building Codes & Access to Premises Standards
Bringing together Human Rights experts who advocated for the Standards, the team who
developed the voluntary Livable Housing Design code, Master Builders, and Building Codes
Board. Where to from here?

Topic 2: Indigenous Housing needs
Bringing together Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders from 3 States, designers,
environmentalists & researchers to talk over the pluses and minuses of the housing
currently being erected in the NT. Are appropriate codes being applied?

Topic 3: Sustainability, Community & Inclusion
Why are the external environment and sustainability important for people with disabilities
in remote areas and in the suburbs? Who influences construction of truly affordable,
accessible housing? Bringing together town planners, sustainability experts, & architects.

Topic 4: Technology (Environmental Control Units/Smart homes)
For many people with disabilities houses have to be SMART inside too! Technical solutions
experts talk to builders about Livable Housing Design on steroids. Environmental Control
Units and how they work with users telling their stories.

Forum Closing: Drinks and networking




Tue 20 Nov 2012, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM


University of Canberra, Pantowora Rd, Bruce ACT




Name Sue Salthouse
Phone 0411 157 164
Link -

Created 8th October 2012

Reads 1550