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Protecting Older Australians: COVID-19 update 25 November 2020


Updated NSW advice for Victorian visitors

NSW Health has issued updated advice on visitors to residential aged care. From 23 November 2020, Victorians can now visit NSW residential aged care facilities subject to usual screening processes.

Key points from the updated advice are to:

Visit the NSW COVID-19 website daily for updates on areas of active community transmission in NSW.


Translated aged care COVID-19 resources available

Older Australians are vulnerable to becoming unwell with COVID-19. It is essential that everyone, including people who do not speak English, know how to stop the spread of COVID-19.

To support the aged care sector, we have translated resources in 63 languages for aged care workers, residents and visitors. Please note that you will need to use Google Chrome to access these links.

If you are in South Australia, we encourage you to download and distribute these resources.

General COVID-19 resources are also available in 63 languages, including audio, posters, fact sheets and social media assets. These resources cover a range of COVID-19 related topics such as testing, mental health services and COVID safe behaviours.


Updated aged care visitation guidelines for residential aged care

Visitation guidelines for aged care are being updated to better protect senior Australians and those who care for them as the nation returns to COVID-normal. Read the Aged Care Minister’s media release.

The Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) has endorsed three-tier escalation guidelines to help providers ramp up or down their response, depending on the level of COVID-19 in the community.

Concurrently, Visitation Guidelines during COVID-19 have also been released. The Visitation Guidelines align with the Industry Code which was also updated on 20 November 2020, to reflect the ‘three-tier’ model of escalation and de-escalation.


Extended timeline to apply for Business Improvement Fund Grants

Grant opportunities for the Business Improvement Fund for residential aged care have been extended to 30 April 2021.

Aged & Community Services Australia (ACSA) recently hosted a webinar demonstrating how to access the Business Improvement Fund. You can watch the webinar, or view the presentation slides.

Providers can apply for funds to improve business operations, support the sale of a facility to another provider, or closure where there are no other options available.

The Business Improvement Fund is designed to support small to medium providers:

  • with limited access to other financial support
  • facing significant pressures which may impact on care or risk service closure.

For more information visit the GrantConnect website or email queries to .

Applications must be submitted via GrantConnect by 2:00 pm AEST on 30 April 2021.

Unknown Author, 2020, Department of Health

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