Published 13th August 2020
Free face-to-face infection control training is now available for people working in residential aged care facilities in Victoria.
This new training program announced by the Minister for Aged Care and Senior Australians Richard Colbeck, builds upon the online training program released by the Commonwealth Government earlier in the year.
This free training is being delivered by Monash University, in partnership with the Victorian government.
Bookings are welcomed from all residential aged care facilities across Victoria without any current cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) among their staff and residents. Please fill in the booking request form or contact for more information.
The Commonwealth Department of Health has also developed online training for care workers across all health care settings, including aged care. This training covers the fundamentals of infection prevention and control for coronavirus (COVID-19).
In residential aged care facilities, face shields or other protective eyewear (such as goggles) should be worn for the routine care of suspected, probable or confirmed cases of COVID-19.
Guidance on the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in areas with significant community transmission is available on the Department's website. The risk of COVID-19 from transmission via the eye is unknown. However, as the predominant mode of transmission is via droplets, eye (and conjunctival) protection should be worn until further evidence emerges.
In geographical areas with significant community transmission, face shields should be worn by all staff working in residential aged care facilities (in addition to other PPE, including a surgical mask or particulate filter respirator). This includes support staff who do not have patient contact. This is due to the high risk or transmission in residential care facilities and the vulnerability of residents to infection.
Due to an increased risk of transmission of COVID-19, the Victorian PPE Taskforce has updated its advice for all healthcare workers in Victoria.
The Victorian government has issued guidance on the use of P2/N95 respirators. Health care workers must wear a N95/P2 respirator:
Under Stage 4 restrictions, employers that require their staff to attend a work site must issue a worker permit to their employees.
The Victorian Department of Health and Human Services has provided the following advice:
More about the Victorian Permitted Worker Scheme COVID-19 can be found here.
The NSW Chief Health Officer has released new advice to aged care providers.
As part of preparedness planning, aged care providers should put in place arrangements to limit staff working across facilities.
Where ceasing staff movement across facilities is not practicable, staff movement should be minimised and additional measures should be put in place, such as maintaining records of staff and work locations and increasing use of PPE.
The local government area of Hornsby Shire and Hills District, has also been added to the list of regions required to implement the following measures:
Home Care Service Providers who either live or work in any of these designated local government areas must also wear face masks while providing services.
In NSW/VIC border communities, only visitors from NSW are permitted providing:
Measures such as phone or video calls should be made available to all residents to enable continuation of communication with family, friends or others who are not allowed to enter the facility at this time.
Read the latest NSW advice for residential aged care providers and home care service providers.
To mark Aged Care Employee Day on Friday August 7, the Minister for Aged Care Richard Colbeck released a statement thanking all aged care workers for their outstanding devotion to senior Australians in care.
You can read the full statement here.
Source:Unknown Author, 2020, Department of Health
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