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Protecting Older Australians - COVID-19 Daily Update 17 April



In addition to the PPE flowchart/poster we distributed last week, today there are two new resources designed to assist aged care workers and clients in aged care settings.

The PPE Resources Pack contains:

  • Information for in-home care clients – “Its ok to have home care” - is designed so carers can print off and distribute before entering their clients home to reassure them that it is ok to continue to receive care. 

  • Flowchart/poster that can be sent or distributed to you workforce on when to use PPE in aged care settings

  • PPE video which provides a demonstration on how to appropriately use PPE, is also a good resource to distribute to your networks.


The Department of Health has put together a frequently asked questions (FAQs) document that aims to assist CHSP providers with the impact of COVID-19 on their operations.

The document covers a range of topics to assist providers in accessing government measures, support, advice and guidance for their workforce as well as many FAQs the department has been fielding about program flexibility and advice on supporting clients during this difficult time.


Once again, we are reminding everyone working in the aged care sector to stay at home, and not attend work if you are unwell, even slightly unwell.

We are asking providers to continue to reinforce this message for all staff.

It is essential anyone working with older and vulnerable Australians understands:

  • The symptoms of COVID-19 can be very mild, so staying at home, even if only mildly unwell is essential to protect the people in your care.
  • Current testing protocols include COVID-19 testing for all aged care workers who have respiratory symptoms.

For more information on the symptoms of COVID-19.


The Department of Health understands that some providers are restricting access to respite care at their facilities as a measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19. However this approach, may result in older Australians in need of respite services due to a change in family or carer circumstances not being able to access care.

The Department encourages respite service providers to continue to accept those in need of respite. Social restriction requirements and infection control measures should still be applied to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Streamlined process to increase or vary number of respite days
As previously advised, to assist residential aged care providers respond to demand for respite care as a result the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department of Health has introduced a streamlined process for providers to apply to increase (or vary) the number of residential respite days at a service.

As part of this simplified process, to apply to change the maximum number of residential respite days, providers can now make a request via e-mail to the Department’s State or Territory office in which the aged care service is located.

A request to increase the number of respite days can be made by email and accepted with the following information:

  • Service name
  • Total Number of respite days required
  • Date of effect

Providers will then be notified of the outcome by email from the state/territory office.

Please contact the relevant State or Territory via the appropriate email address below:

  •  (including applications from the ACT)

Unknown Author, 2020, Department of Health

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