Published 29th April 2015
Dear Colleagues,
Occupational Therapy Now - VOLUME SIXTEEN ISSUE FIVESeptember / October 2014
The intention of this special issue of Occupational Therapy Now is to provide a broad audience, including occupational therapists, health professionals, clients, policy makers, the general public and other stakeholders, with information on the role of occupational therapy in universal design.
The Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists is proud to share with you the most recent open-access edition of Occupational Therapy Now, highlighting the role of occupational therapists in universal design. Universal design is a way to create products and environments that are accessible and usable by all people, regardless of age or ability. Occupational therapists have the knowledge and skills to be experts in universal design, as they have intimate knowledge of how the interactions between people and their environments enable or pose barriers to engaging in daily activities. Universal design contributes to health and well-being by enabling people to engage in self-care, productivity and leisure.
In applying universal design principles to products, services and environments, occupational therapists may collaborate with architects, builders, city planners, engineers or other disciplines. In this issue, you will find articles that highlight success stories relating to housing, playgrounds, universities, hospitals, policy and even teaching methods. We hope you enjoy this variety of articles.
This issue is available online with free public access at: Please feel free to share this information and link widely.
Janna L. MacLachlan, MScOT, OT Reg. (Ont.) Managing Editor, Occupational Therapy Now/ Rédactrice en chef, Actualités ergothérapiques Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists/Association canadienne des ergothérapeutes
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