Published 7th April 2011
Ageing Disability and Home Care are currently reviewing the HACC funded Home Modification and Maintenance Services in NSW. Phase 2 of this review process concerns the future direction of the service type, and this has now being launched for public feedback and comment.The Task force lead by Elton Consulting are now seeking as wide a response as possible to their Issues Paper. They have also launched a Client Survey for NSW.They are seeking feedback and comment on aspects of service provision clients consider important, and their preferences regarding some possible future options.If you desire to be a part of the interviews and focus groups because you are a provider, govt departments (Health, Housing etc), peaks or other stakeholder and have not already been invited please contact Eltons Consulting as soon as possible if you want to be included.Replies in writing to the issues paper must be received by Eltons by 27th May 2011 be appropriately considered and incorporated.Eltons Postal addressPO Box 1488, Bondi Junction, NSW, 2022. T (02) 9387 2600 F (02) 9387 2557 E
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