Published 6th December 2012
NDS NSW releases key dates for 2013
NDS NSW has advised the sector of dates and important events for 2013. Please follow the links below to access the 2013 meeting dates. Agendas and venue information will be made available in the new year.
NDS NSW Annual State Conference - Save the Date
The NDS NSW Annual State Conference for 2013, 'The stage is set - it's go time!', will be held on 11-12 February 2013 at the Hilton, Sydney. Registrations will open early December and delegates will be able to choose from a range of dynamic, engaging and practical presentations which showcase how the disability sector can and will adapt to change in key areas such as Holistic Person Centred Approaches, Change Management, and Effective Partnerships.
NDS NSW Regional Meetings 2013
NDS NSW Regional Meetings are open to NDS members and non-members. Please forward notice of NDS NSW Regional Meetings to your colleagues and networks as these occur throughout 2013. NDS NSW Regional Meetings are free of charge and provide valuable networking opportunities in all NSW Regions. Key NDS staff, as well as senior representatives from the relevant ADHC regional offices, will provide an interactive forum for discussion on key information coming to the sector.
Download the dates for the 2013 NDS NSW Regional Meetings [PDF 110KB] [RTF 38KB].
NDS NSW Sub-Committees 2013
NDS NSW Sub-Committee Meetings are exclusively for NDS Members. The meetings are Open Forums meaning that all interested NDS members are invited to attend. There are eight separate Sub-Committees which meet four times a year. Each Sub-Committee has an NDS staff member as coordinator. Contact details for the coordinators are available on the 2013 NDS NSW Sub-Committee Meetings document.
Download the dates for the 2013 NDS NSW Sub-Committee Meetings [PDF 57KB] [RTF 32KB] (member only access).
Registration for Regional and Sub-Committee Meetings is essential - All registrations are submitted online via a web link provided by NDS NSW prior to each round of meetings.
NDS NSW Office Closures
Please note that the NDS NSW office will be closed for the Christmas period from 21 December 2012, and will reopen on Wednesday 2 January 2013. Contact Information: Scott Holz, State Manager, NDS New South Wales, Ph 02 9256 3118,
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