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NDIS Evaluation


The National Institute of Labour Studies (NILS), of Flinders University, is leading a consortium that has been commissioned to evaluate the trial of the new National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The five initial NDIS trial sites, which are covered by this evaluation, will include the whole eligible population of the Australian Capital Territory, eligible children in South Australia up to 14 years, eligible 15-24 year olds in Tasmania, and the eligible populations of the Barwon area of Victoria and the Hunter region of New South Wales. The NDIS will be trialled in the Australian Capital Territory in July 2014, and commenced in July 2013 in the other four initial trial sites.

The NILS-led team will monitor and evaluate the experience of participants, and their families and carers, service providers and their workforces in these sites over the next three years. The evaluation team thank our Australian Government partner, the Department of Social Services, for funding the evaluation and their state and territory government counterparts for their in-kind support.

NDIS Evaluation web site

For information about the NDIS, see For information about the Department of Social Services, see

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