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NDIS Coronavirus Information


In this edition:
- Easy Read, Language Translations and FAQ’s
- Dedicated Supermarket Shopping Hours
- Information from the Department of Health
- Advice for Participants
- Advice for Providers
- Helpful Resources

Easy Read, Language Translations and FAQs

We have recently published information in an Easy Read format on the NDIS website, about our response to the coronavirus (COVID-19).

We have also published translated versions of helpful information about coronavirus (COVID-19) in five different languages.

A number of frequently asked questions and answers are also available on the NDIS website and are updated as more information is available.


Dedicated Supermarket Shopping Hours

Woolworths and Coles supermarkets will open from 7am-8am in a dedicated shopping hour for the disability community and the elderly.

Entry to stores will be granted with a relevant government-issued Companion or Carer Card, disability permit, Pensioner Concession Card and Commonwealth Seniors Health Card.

View the Woolworths website and the Coles website for the latest information and to find a participating store near you.

Information from Department of Health

Coronavirus is a respiratory illness, with symptoms ranging from a mild cough to pneumonia. Some people recover quickly and easily, and others may get very sick, very quickly.

Good hygiene can prevent infection for most people. The Department of Health website has key resources to help you understand if:

If you are an NDIS participant and you are concerned about your exposure to coronavirus, the Department of Health has a specific hotline to respond to your enquiries:

1800 020 080 (24 hours a day, seven days a week).

If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can use the National Relay Service to access any of the department’s listed phone numbers.

You can visit the National Relay Service website or call 1300 555 727. If you need translation and/or interpretation support, Translating and Interpreting Services are offered by the Australian Government on the Department of Home Affairs website.

Advice for participants

The number of face-to-face meetings with NDIS participants is being reduced in line with the Australian Government’s advice in the COVID-19 national health response plan.

Participants, families and carers can request alternatives to face-to-face meetings, if participants are concerned about their exposure.

Both scheduled plan reviews and first plan meetings can be completed over the phone, if:

  • the participant would prefer not to have a face-to-face meeting
  • the participant has recently returned from overseas, or
  • has come in contact with someone affected by COVID-19.

For further information on changes to service delivery, plans reviews and remote communities and large establishments visits refer to our frequently asked questions and Easy Read information.

If you have questions or require advice, please contact the NDIS Contact Centre on 1800 800 110.

Advice for Providers

The Department of Health have provided specific advice for people who;

Providers are encouraged to regularly check the Department of Health and state or territory specific information, for latest advice.

The NDIS National and Quality and Safeguard Commission (NQSC) is providing regular advice to Registered NDIS providers and has links to Provider Alerts that contain important information for NDIS Providers about Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Providers are required to notify NQSC of any changes to the scale of their operations. They can do this by emailing  or calling 1800 035 544.

When registering NDIS providers are required to ensure ‘continuity of support requirements’ and ‘risk management’ modules are in place. Providers should refer to the Commission Quality Indicators to ensure they are prepared in the case of an announcement of a pandemic.

Helpful Resources

The Department of Health has a new online Infection Control course. It is free. Learn about protecting yourself from infection with coronavirus (COVID-19), by registering and completing the course online.

Helpful information and an Aided Language Display (ALD) around speaking with children about Coronavirus is available.

Ethnolink have created a library of multi-lingual resources together so that all Australians can access information in their preferred language about coronavirus (COVID-19).

Ideas have created an information page on their website, they are also have an information line, free call, 8am - 8pm: 1800 029 904

Unknown Author, 2020, NDIS

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