Published 9th January 2019
The economic measures announced in the federal government’s mid-year budget outlook are unlikely to improve the financial struggles many aged care providers are currently facing, according to an analysis of the fine print.
Aged care funding was the centerpiece of this week’s Mid Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook, with $287 million for 10,000 high level home care packages, a $56.4 million government top-up to reduce basic minimum home care fees and $111.2 million to increase the viability and homeless supplements for residential care facilities.
The government also will provide an additional $81.7 million to improve services, regulatory arrangements and workforce arrangements, as well as $98 million to increase MBS fees for GPs attending aged care facilities.
But in their analysis of the outlook handed down on Monday, aged cared specialists StewartBrown say financial performance results for September, due to be published on Thursday, show many providers are continuing to struggle, and the MYEFO measures are unlikely to shift the trend.
To read the full article, please visit the website.
Source:Judy Skatssoon, 2018, Australian Ageing Agenda (
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