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Missed the Accessible Housing National Consultation Forums?


A video recording of the Forum is now available.

To support the Australian Building Codes Board’s (ABCB) National Consultation Forums on Accessible Housing, a video recording of the Forum is now available. The video recording has been released to ensure interested stakeholders are equipped with relevant information to assist in providing comment on the Accessible Housing Options Paper.

The video recording includes an overview of the ABCB, project objectives and scope, the Regulation Impact Analysis process and an overview and detailed discussion of the options being explored.

Throughout the Forums attendees were provided the opportunity to ask questions directly to the ABCB. The ABCB remain open to your comments and questions and request that you submit these to

Don’t forget the consultation period for the Accessible Housing Options Paper closes Friday 30 November 2018. Responses can be emailed to

Click here to access site.

Unknown Author, 2018, Australian Building Codes Board (

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