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Investing in housing is an opportunity to set people up for success


What is the economic cost compared to the financial or stimulus benefit of building more much-needed public housing?

Clearly there is a societal cost of not housing people, as evidenced by the burgeoning number of homeless people in this country, but is this less important than finding the money to house those most in need? 

The KPMG evaluation of the post-GFC housing stimulus was every $1 spent generated $1.30 return in the community. This is the financial win. If by housing more people, we can also save money on welfare referrals, prisons, or mental health costs etc there is likely an additional financial benefit. However, it’s more than just the economic argument. 

To read the full article, please visit the Australian Pro Bono.

Mark Feenane, 2020, Probono Australia (

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