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Information for the Aged Care Sector Issue 2020/20


Free accounting and business advisory services for providers

Residential and home care service providers can access free independent business advisory services. These services aim to help providers review their operations and provide advice on business management and financial strategies.

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) offers two tiers of services. Both tiers target the identification of strategies to help improve the provider’s business management and operations:

  • Tier 1 services delivered through a desktop review
  • Tier 2 services delivered by both desktop review and time spent with the provider (delivered currently through videoconference).

Service providers can apply to access the free business advisory services through the PwC website. The services will be available until 30 June 2021.


Services Australia Aged Care Quarterly Review

Services Australia reviews the costs of aged care four times a year in January, March, July and September. This ensures the cost of a person’s aged care services aligns with changes in their financial circumstances.

The next Quarterly Review for Residential Care and Home Care will take place on 26 September 2020, with a date of effect of 20 September 2020.

Services Australia will send letters to aged care providers and care recipients as soon as possible after the Quarterly Review.

The Online Claiming system for Home Care will be unavailable from 8pm Friday 25 September until 8am Monday 28 September as Quarterly Review tasks are undertaken.

Further information is available on:


Aged Care Online Claiming updates

Services Australia will be closing off access to Aged Care Online Claiming and Aged Care Online Services by 20 November 2020.

The new Aged Care Provider Portal (ACPP) replaces both systems. The ACPP can be used to claim online for Home Care, Residential Care and Flexible Care services from the one secure place.

To access the ACPP for all services:

  1. providers must register for a PRODA individual account
  2. an authorised representative must complete a Register for or amend Aged Care Online Claiming using Web Forms (AC004) form and email it to us.

More information is available on the Services Australia website.


Webinar: Understanding and accessing DVA hearing services

The Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) and the Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) are hosting a webinar on hearing devices and services available to veterans with hearing loss and tinnitus.

The aim of this webinar is to inform health professionals, community workers, veterans and their families about how to access hearing devices and services.

Date: Wednesday 23 September, 11:00–11:30am

Join us to understand:

  • eligibility for hearing services
  • steps to accessing better hearing
  • preparing for the appointment
  • fitting and adjusting to devices
  • the range of programs to assist veterans experiencing hearing loss and tinnitus.

Register now and receive instructions about how to access the webinar on the day.

You will be able to view the completed webinar on the DVA website or on the OPAN website along with other DVA resources.


Support Plan Reviews for Home Care Package clients – key documents required

The department reminds providers that they should attach supporting documentation, including the consumer’s care plan and individualised budget, when submitting a Support Plan Review (SPR) request through the My Aged Care provider portal. These documents are required for clients receiving a package who are seeking a reassessment for a higher level of home care or change to home care priority.

The care plan and individualised budget will assist the assessor to:

  • establish the services that the consumer is currently receiving
  • determine whether the consumer’s changed care needs can be supported by their current package level or whether additional services and funding are required to meet the client’s need
  • confirm that the home care budget is fully allocated for care and services.

Both documents capture detailed and essential information that justifies the review and helps the assessment process. The assessor may cancel the SPR request if this information is not available.

More information is available on the department’s website.


Using Home Care Packages for technology to help with safety and social isolation

The department recognises that as the COVID-19 pandemic continues some Home Care Package (HCP) consumers are experiencing social isolation.

Providers can support HCP consumers to use their package to access personal monitoring services to keep them safe at home. A range of technology options is available in the private market. The department does not recommend any particular brand or device. The relevant Standard for personal monitoring technology is AS 4607 (personal response systems).

HCP consumers can also use their package for digital technology and video conferencing equipment to stay connected with family, friends and their community. Package funds can also be used for help in setting up and learning how to use the technology.

All care and services funded must be reflected in the consumer’s Care Plan and connect to an assessed care need. Further information is available in the COVID-19 Personal monitoring technology for Senior Australians fact sheet

Unknown Author, 2020, Department of Health

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