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Information for the Aged Care Sector Issue 2020/15


New sign language interpreting service

From June 2020, older Australians who are deaf, deafblind, or hard of hearing who are seeking to access or are receiving Australian Government funded aged care services can get free sign language interpreting services.

Face-to-face sign language interpreting and Video Remote Interpreting services are available to support clients to engage with:

  • Aged Care System Navigators
  • My Aged Care
  • Regional Assessment Services
  • Aged Care Assessment Teams
  • Home Care Packages providers
  • Commonwealth Home Support Programme providers
  • Residential aged care service providers
  • other organisations involved in the provision of Australian Government  funded aged care services.

Sign language services are available in Auslan, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages, American Sign Language, International Sign Language, and Signed English for deaf consumers or consumers who are hard of hearing, and tactile signing and hand over hand for deafblind consumers.

For more information visit the department’s website.


My Aged Care e-Referral for GPs - updated and improved

GPs can refer their patients to My Aged Care from their electronic practice management systems via the e-Referral form. This form is one of many pathways into My Aged Care, and is especially useful for patients who need to provide their medical information to the assessor. It is used by over 1000 practices around Australia.

GPs can access the e-Referral form from Best Practice, MedicalDirector and Genie practice management systems. The form is secure, easy to use and accessible through the patient’s electronic medical record. By pre-populating patient information, the focus is on screening the patient. This makes it the quickest and easiest way for GPs to refer patients to My Aged Care.

Alternatively, GPs and sector professionals can refer patients by:

Older Australians may also use the following options to refer themselves or on behalf of a family member or friend:

We welcome feedback on the e-Referral form:


Services Australia Aged Care Quarterly Review

Services Australia reviews the costs of aged care four times a year in January, March, July and September. This ensures the cost of a person’s aged care services aligns with changes in their financial circumstances.

The next Quarterly Review for Residential Care and Home Care will take place on 11 July 2020, with a date of effect of 1 July 2020.

Services Australia will send letters to aged care providers and care recipients as soon as possible after the Quarterly Review.

The online claiming system for Home Care will be unavailable over the weekend of 11-12 July as Quarterly Review tasks are undertaken.

Further information is available on:


Understanding and accessing Department of Veterans’ Affairs Services Webinar Series

The Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) and Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) have been hosting a webinar series of eight free interactive educational webinars. We encourage you to join us for the last webinar in the series. When you register you will receive instructions about how to access the webinar on the day.

The aim of this webinar is to inform health professionals, community workers, veterans and their families about the Coordinated Veterans Care program.

Webinar 8: Tues 14 July, 11:00–11:30am – Coordinated Veterans Care (CVC)

Attend this webinar, to understand:

  • what the DVA Coordinated Veterans' Care Program is, including how to access it
  • who provides the services and care under the Coordinated Veterans' Care Program

Register now

We invite you to view the completed webinars on the DVA website or on the OPAN website along with other aged care resources.

Unknown Author, 2020, Department of Health

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