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Information for the Aged Care Sector Issue 2020/11


Have your say - aged care worker regulation scheme

The department has engaged mpconsulting to assist in developing future options for a regulation scheme for aged care workers. This follows calls over the past several years for an aged care worker screening or registration scheme to be introduced by the Australian Government.

A Consultation Paper has been developed to seek feedback on the:

  • potential features of an aged care worker regulation scheme

  • advantages and disadvantages of the various options and

  • implications of any new scheme.

Have your say by completing the online survey. The feedback received will be used to develop detailed options for the department to consider.

The survey is open now until Monday, 29 June 2020.

Reminder: Have your say - CARE-IT Research Project

Aged care providers are encouraged to participate in the Aged Care Industry Information Technology Council (ACIITC) Capabilities in Aged & Community Care Readiness an Evaluation of Innovation & Technology (CARE IT) Research Project.

The CARE-IT Research Project is an important opportunity for industry stakeholders to be involved in this landmark study, and we ask you to take the time to complete the survey below. Aged and Community Care providers are encouraged to participate.

The outcomes of the CARE-IT research project will inform the strategic directions and investment strategies for the Aged and Community Care sector.

To access the survey visit ACIITC CARE-IT Survey 2020.

The survey is available until 5 June 2020 5:00 PM AEST.


Service Compliance Rating for residential aged care

From July 2020, the Government will publish a compliance rating for residential aged care services on My Aged Care. The rating system was developed by the Department of Health in partnership with the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission and in consultation with stakeholders, including older Australians, their caregivers, aged care providers, and peak bodies.

The Service Compliance Rating will be visible in the ‘Find a Provider’ section of the My Aged Care website. The rating allows consumers to easily compare the quality of residential aged care services, supporting more informed decision-making.

The rating reflects a service’s current compliance position – i.e. whether a service has a sanction or non-compliance notice and the outcome of the most recent performance assessment by the Commission against the Aged Care Quality Standards.

More information can be found on the department’s website

Unknown Author, 2020, Department of Health

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