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Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission - Update of The good, the bad and the ugly and Design and construction for access


Update of this information. Obtainable free of charge on request to


  • The good, the bad and the ugly (Word) or HTML version. A look at 14 examples of the most common problems and misinterpretations in applying today's Building Code of Australia (BCA) in the area of access. The good, the bad and the ugly shows in words and pictures why a thorough understanding and application of the BCA is vital to ensuring access.The good, the bad and the ugly can be used as a self learning tool or used as part of a continuing education program, for example, in a Local Government Building Section or within an architects firm.

  • Guidelines on access to buildings and services (Word) or HTML version. The guidelines are aimed at businesses, service providers, Government agencies, property managers and anyone involved in the purchasing, leasing or assessment of property. The aim of the guideline is to assist in identifying possible barriers to buildings and services and direct people to resources and expertise to address those barriers.


For more information follow link to HEROC site.

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