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How NFPs can use Facebook for growth during COVID-19

Our expert presenter Richenda Vermeulen, founder and CEO of ntegrity, will explore how COVID-19 has changed the Facebook ecosystem and how not for profits can adapt. 

Drawing on real-life examples from ntegrity’s work with NFPs, Richenda will leave you with an in-depth understanding of where your organisation fits in the current context, and how you can update your Facebook strategy for long-term growth.

In this online session, our presenter will explore:

  • how should you update your Facebook campaigns during COVID-19;
  • how should you update your messaging during COVID-19;
  • whether you should continue investing in Facebook advertising; and

how NFPs can use Facebook giving.


Thu 7 May 2020, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM




Pricing and webinar details:

  • Discounted ticket price - thanks to our friends at ntegrity, the ticket price for this webinar has been discounted by 20%! Live webinar access starts at just $44. 
  • Online event - in this interactive session, you'll have the chance to have your questions answered live by our presenters.

Ticket price includes:

  • Live access to the webinar — all you need is a computer and/or phone
  • Access to the interactive chat box to have your questions answered live 
  • Digital Post Webinar Pack — the packs are emailed to you a week after the webinar and include the audio and visual recordings, slide deck, and (if purchased) the webinar book. The webinar book includes the session’s transcript with corresponding slides, the live chat stream and presenter notes.

Register here


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Link How NFPs can use Facebook for growth during COVID-19

Created 5th May 2020

Reads 1789