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Housing NSW factsheets: Policies on Home Modifications for existing tenants and NDIS Alterations to a Home


Alterations to a Home Policy – Information for tenants

Effective from 24 June 2013 this policy applies to applications for alterations or additions to, or improvement of properties owned by the NSW Land and Housing Corporation and Aboriginal Housing Office that are managed by Housing NSW.  It sets out what types of modifications can be carried out with permission, such as kitchen and bathroom remodelling, the need to engage a licensed contractor, and the standards which must be met.  The policy also requires the tenant to be responsible for the maintenance of the modification. 


Alterations to a Home Policy Supplement – Information for tenants (additional conditions)

These additional conditions are concerned with health and safety measures related specifically to the alteration, addition and improvement of swimming pools, solar panels, security grills, and minor internal painting.


Modifications Policy – Information for Housing NSW applicants and tenants

The modifications policy is a commitment by Housing NSW to modify its properties to suit people with disability, if it is economically viable to do so.  The policy applies to people with disabilities, elderly people, and to carers.  The policy refers to the entitlement policy, to determine who can use this scheme.  It addresses need on an individual basis, and all modifications, minor or major, will require some assessment of need by a health or allied health professional. Minor modifications, such as the installation of grab rails or a hand-held shower, will generally be approved if an application is accompanied by a certificate from a GP or an allied health professional.  Major modifications, such as building ramp access or widening doorways, will need a full assessment report from an Occupational Therapist, and Housing NSW staff will make an assessment on the premises regarding the feasibility of the modifications. The factsheet contains links to eligibility criteria and to appeals processes.

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