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Help the NSW Government to better support carers



Don’t miss your chance to be involved in developing a new plan for our state’s carers.

A short online survey is being hosted on the NSW Government’s consultation website, Have Your Say until 7 March. The NSW Carers Strategy survey asks you to choose the most important proposed solutions for carers across a range of focus areas.

We encourage everyone to get involved in this quick and easy survey. There is more information about the NSW Carers Strategy on Have Your Say.

There are more than 850,000 carers in NSW, including 100,000 carers under the age of 25 years. The new strategy for carers is likely to impact on many of us because most people can expect to either care for someone or receive care themselves in their lifetime. Carers provide ongoing, unpaid help to someone who needs it because of disability, long term or life limiting illness, mental illness, dementia and ageing.

Carers, employers, government and non-government, industry representatives, experts and researchers have been working together to develop proposed solutions in five important areas. These areas are employment, education, health and wellbeing, carer information and community awareness, and carer engagement.

Development of the NSW Carers Strategy is being led by the NSW Department of Family and Community Services, with assistance from Ministry for Health and Carers NSW. The NSW Carers Strategy will be launched by the Minister for Ageing and Minister for Disability Services in mid 2014. 

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