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Government Set to Increase NDIA Staff Cap


The federal government is increasing the National Disability Insurance Agency’s staff cap, as part of a suite of workforce changes designed to deliver a “better experience” for people with disability.

The now-former social services minister, Dan Tehan, announced the changes on Friday, promising to hire an additional 750 staff over the next 12 months and provide targeted training of 6,000 planners and frontline staff.

The NDIA’s staff cap will be increased to 3,138 in 2018-19 and 3,230 in 2019-20, while a further increase in 2020-21 will bring the ongoing cap to 3,400.

Labor meanwhile, promised earlier this month to remove the NDIA staff cap altogether if elected.

The government will also introduce amendments to the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act, allowing for an increase in the number of staff able to make access decisions and approve plans.

For more details about this article, please refer to Probono Australia website.

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