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Department of Health and Aged Care Webinar: High risk weather season preparedness briefing


The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), in partnership with the Department of Health and Aged Care and the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission, is hosting an important briefing on the seasonal outlook, risks, and preparedness relevant to residential aged care homes and flexible aged care services.

The webinar will be held on Friday 28 October 2022 from 1:00pm – 3:00pm AEDT.

This briefing will provide you with advice on the risks and preparedness for the high-risk weather season, including:

  • Seasonal weather outlook from the Bureau of Meteorology
  • Updates from the National Emergency Management Agency, Department of Health and Aged Care and the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
  • Advice on how the aged care sector can assist and connect to the Australian Government during the high-risk weather season
  • A short crisis scenario run-through and discussion.

How to Join

The webinar will be held via MS Teams. If you are interested, please record the date and time in your calendar.

To join: from a personal device or computer by clicking the link below:
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 486 260 362 859
Passcode: MU8HGD
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Or call in (audio only)
+61 2 7208 4914 Australia, Sydney
Phone Conference ID: 638 850 425#
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Please ensure you dial in 15–20 minutes early.

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