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Cultural issues behind resident’s inadequate care, royal commission hears


Issues between clinical staff and management staff at a Melbourne aged care facility impacted the quality of care received by an 87-year old Victorian woman, the inquiry has heard.

On Monday, the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety featured a case study on the late Bertha Aalberts, who entered MiCare Avondrust Lodge in Victoria in May 2018 after being told there was a 12-month wait to receive the level 4 home care package she was assessed for.

At the time Avondrust Lodge, which is a 72-bed facility, had 65 high care residents. Mrs Aalberts, who was legally blind due to macular degeneration, was continent and cognisant when she entered the facility. She passed away three months later due to severely infected pressure ulcers.

To read the full article, please visit the website.

Sandy Cheu, 2019, australia ageing agenda (

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