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Provided by the HMinfo Clearinghouse
Translating high quality research specific to better design and building practice
Translating high quality research specific to better design and building practice

Home Modification Product Suppliers

There are a wide range of home products and assistive technology products that are used for Home Modifications. The HMinfo Home Modification Product Suppliers list provides information about suppliers of products used in the Home Modifications industry.

The information is submitted by the suppliers themselves and the accuracy, recency and availability of any items or information is the responsibility of the supplier. HMinfo does not support any supplier or receive any income from this list, nor takes any responsibility for the items, their quality, performance or use. If you see information here that is of concern please Contact Us.

You can search for Home Modification product suppliers by selecting the type of products you are looking for.

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Product Types


Enware is an Australian owned and operated manufacturer and distributer of commercial and industrial plumbing and safety products. With over 75 years experience - you will find our extensive range of products and services throughout Australia and abroad.

We lead the way in delivering specialist products backed by our highly trained service team and certified ISO quality controls. With three Sydney manufacturing sites producing products on request we have the capability to offer innovative and practical solutions to all our market channels:

  • Education
  • Commercial Food Premises
  • Disability and Aged Care
  • Hospital and Health
  • Public Amenities
  • Safety
  • Laboratories
  • Security
  • Mortuary


We have vast technical knowledge and an experienced Research and Development team who have the ability to provide genuine innovation whilst striving to constantly have a deeper insight and understanding of the end user and their needs.

Our experience brings an understanding and familiarity of local and international compliance, regulations and standards.

Our vison for the future is to be the world’s most trusted brand for insight and design driven solutions that enhance the safety and performance of the built environment.



  • Specialist Plumbing Solutions
  • Accessible Work & Living Solutions
  • Environmental, Health & Safety Solutions
  • Stainless Steel Washroom Systems
  • Automatic Meter Reading

Supplier Information



Peter Tipper


02 8536 4000


Product Types:

  • Baths
  • Rails
  • Showers
  • Toilet
  • Other

Other Types:

Specialist Plumbing Solutions Accessible Work & Living Solutions Environmental, Health & Safety Solutions Stainless Steel Washroom Systems Automatic Meter Reading

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