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COVID-19 vaccination webinar series for residential aged care workers starts tomorrow


A series of jurisdiction-specific webinars on mandatory COVID-19 vaccination for residential aged care workers will commence from tomorrow, Thursday 26 August.

The webinars are for residential aged care workers to learn more about the introduction of mandatory COVID-19 vaccination, to understand their respective state or territory public health orders and how mandatory vaccination and exemptions will be approached.

The webinars will address:

  • why it is so important to get vaccinated against COVID-19
  • how workers can access priority Pfizer vaccinations ahead of the 17 September deadline
  • how workers will be supported to be vaccinated by their workplace and government
  • some of reasons workers might feel hesitant about getting vaccinated and how they can feel more assured
  • how mandatory COVID-19 vaccination will apply in the state of South Australia.

The first webinar is for South Australian residential aged care workers from 11:00am–12:00 pm South Australian time (11.30am–12.30pm AEST). Chaired by Commonwealth Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer, Adj. Professor Alison McMillan, panellists include:

  • Dr Emily Kirkpatrick, Deputy Chief Medical Officer / Deputy Chief Public Health Officer Department for Health and Wellbeing, SA Health
  • Evlynn Hayes, A/Director, Office for Ageing Well, SA Health
  • Beverly Barber, COVID-19 Vaccine Department for Health and Wellbeing, SA Health
  • Lisa Peterson, Assistant Secretary, Commonwealth Department of Health
  • Lauren Palmer, National Research & Policy Officer, Health Services

The webinar for Tasmania residential aged care workers is from 11:00am–12:00pm  AEST. Chaired by Commonwealth Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer, Adj. Professor Alison McMillan, panellists include:

  • Dr Rhea Psereckis, Public Health Medical Officer, Public Health Emergency Operations Centre (PHEOC), Department of Health
  • Lisa Peterson, Assistant Secretary, Commonwealth Department of Health

The webinar for Queensland residential aged care workers is from 2:00pm-3:00pm AEST. Chaired by Commonwealth Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Professor Michael Kidd AM and panellists include:

  • Dr James Smith, Deputy Chief Health Officer for Queensland
  • David Harmer, Senior Director, Social Policy and Legislation Branch, QLD Health
  • Lisa Peterson, Assistant Secretary, Commonwealth Department of Health
  • Kate Veach, Assistant Secretary, Queensland Nurses and Midwives Union (QNMU)
  • Paul Mitchell, Acting Professional Officer, Queensland Nurses and Midwives Union (QNMU)
  • Lauren Palmer, National Research & Policy Officer, Health Services Union (HSU)

For the South Australian, Tasmanian and Queensland webinars:
Residential aged care workers care join via the following link:

Special Covid-19 webinar for Residential Aged Care workers

NOTE: the above link will take you directly into the live webinars at the above times.

Webinars for NSW, ACT, NT and VIC will take place the following week with more details on those coming soon:

Day Date Time Jurisdiction
 Wednesday  1 September  2.30pm - 3.30pm  NSW
 Friday  3 September  11.00am - 12.00pm  ACT
 Friday  3 September  2.30pm - 3.30pm  NT
 Monday  6 September  11.00am - 12.00pm  VIC

The webinars will be recorded and made available via the department’s website.


Unknown Author, 2021, Department of Health (

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