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Continuity of Support clients CHSP Funding Change Notification


The department has made changes to the management of Additional Support Applications (ASAs) effective immediately for the remainder of the 2020/21 Financial Year. 

The Continuity of Support (CoS) Programme will no longer authorise CoS clients access to Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) funded supports in response to ASAs.

CoS funded service providers who submit an ASA for CoS clients can continue to do so, however the funding will be provided by way of a contract variation to their current CoS grant agreement and not through a CHSP funded service.

Where CoS clients are currently in receipt of CHSP funded services, they can continue to access these services until there is a change in their needs and a new ASA is submitted.

In summary:

  • CHSP funding will no longer be used to fund additional support – all approved additional supports will be funded from CoS grants
  • The $8,000 cap will remain in place for clients living in their own home – the provisions for exceptional circumstances will continue to be available.

Please contact your Funding Agreement Manager, or  if you have any questions.

Unknown Author, 2021, Department of Health (

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