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Charter of Aged Care Rights


Resources to support the sector’s understanding of the new Charter of Aged Care Rights (the Charter) are available on the department’s website. Some hard copies of the resources will also be available shortly, you can order limited numbers of these by emailing our distributor directly at .

Resources include:

  • a Charter of Aged Care Rights booklet designed for consumers to inform them of their aged care consumer rights. It will be useful for:
    • senior Australians, their family and carers
    • aged care providers and staff
    • advocates.
  • a Charter of Aged Care Rights poster designed to display in your organisation and promote awareness of the Charter.

The booklet is being translated into 18 languages and will also be available on the department’s website for downloading and printing.

Find more information about the Charter on the department’s website

Unknown Author, 2019, Department of Health (

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