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Call for Content Focus: 'The Evolving Face of Community Care' 2011 NSW HACC & Community Care Conference


Submissions are invited from the industry workforce, carers, consumers, service providers, community developers, researchers and other stakeholders for submissions that are relevant to the Conference theme. We encourage joint submissions from consumers/carers and service providers that highlight examples of best practice that work for people using services, as explained by both service users and service providers.
Assistance from experienced presenters is available on request.

We are interested in papers/presentations/proposed interactive workshops which explore:

  • Workforce strategies and challenges 
  • Positioning community care services for the future
  • Consumer perspectives
  • Evidence-based practice
  • Technology

Submission Format:

All submissions are to be a maximum 1 x A4 page in the following format and emailed to

Submission Must Include

  • Full contact details including name, organisation, position, phone, fax, address and email
  • an abstract of the main points to be covered
  • a 100 word (maximum) description of how this presentation links in with the Conference theme
  • a 100 word (maximum) biography of the speaker/s, including reference to any other relevant conference presentation.

All this information MUST be submitted electronically in MS Word format (97 Version or later) to the email address above by the closing date.

The closing date for content is Friday, December 3, 2010 at 5pm.

Selection Criteria:

Materials submitted must be:

  • Relevant to the Conference Theme
  • Content linked to the outlined topics where appropriate
  • Based on original research and experiences
  • Meet the format required for submission (above)

The Conference Call for Content Selection Committee reserves the right not to accept presentations promoting specific products/services.

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