Published 15th March 2023
The Outcomes Framework is a key initiative under Australia’s disability strategy 2021–2031 to measure, track and report on outcomes for people with disability over the life of the Strategy. Annual reporting against the measures in the Outcomes Framework will show what progress is being made on outcomes for people with disability.
The purpose of this initial annual report is to provide an overview of the status of the Outcomes Framework measures at ‘baseline’, namely at the closest point in time to the start of the strategy in December 2021. Baseline data are the data against which updated annual and (where available) quarterly data for each of the measures will be compared over the life of the Strategy.
This report also includes a time series analysis (where data permit) for the period up to and including the baseline data point. This provides a context for the reporting of the baseline value and updated results.
Author & Publisher: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
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