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Aged care reforms workforce webinar – 2 August


The aged care reforms announced in the Budget and in response to the Aged Care Royal Commission aim to better support aged care workers.

Join this webinar to learn how the Australian Government is investing to grow a more skilled, professional aged care workforce. Better supporting this workforce is critical to achieving improved safety and quality of care outcomes for the senior Australians who need and use aged care.

By participating in this webinar, you will learn how the reforms aim to:

  • grow and upskill the aged care workforce through programs, training and scholarships
  • provide financial support and incentives for aged care workers
  • support workforce planning.

We’ll ask you questions about your perspective on these reforms, and how we can best work with you to ensure positive outcomes for workers, providers and senior Australians.

Joining department panellists is Kevin McCoy from Australian Unity. A lived experience video featuring aged care workers will also be shared.

Learn more and register for this webinar on the department’s website.

Unknown Author, 2021, Department of Health (

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