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ADHC has revised the NSW Accommodation Support Resources


The Community Access Directorate in ADHC has revised the policies and guidelines for accommodation support services and developed resources to promote improved outcomes for people with disability.

The Accommodation Support Policy sets out the guiding principles for the provision of person-centred accommodation services. The Policy and its associated documents supersede the Allocation of Places in Supported Accommodation Policy and Procedures (2009).

The policy is complemented by the:

  • Accommodation Support Policy Fact Sheet
  • Accommodation Support Register Guidelines, a guide to the prioritisation and allocation processes of accommodation support with more flexible, efficient and effective vacancy management process.
  • Accommodation Service Provider Guidelines, an operational handbook to assist providers implementing person centred services
  • My Life and Somewhere to Live booklets, easy English guides for people, their families and carers in understanding how to access mainstream, community and specialist accommodation supports
  • Active Support video clips, a training resource for disability support workers, that shows examples of how to assist people to be more involved in all areas of their lives.

The listed resources can be accessed on the Accommodation Support page on the Department of Family and Community Services, Ageing, Disability and Home Care website.

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