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A new way of thinking about quality


If you have had a good look at the NDIS Practice Standards you may have noticed that they are quite different from what our sector has seen before. Yet, they are actually kind of cool (in a quality and safeguarding kind of way). What we find exciting is that they focus on Participant outcomes instead of services. That is why we are all here after all, so it really makes sense.  

The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission has released them in this format, which has unfortunately left some providers more puzzled than they were before. So let’s take a look at the structure. During the self-assessment process, you will be advised on which modules you will need to meet depending on your registration groups and organisational structure. Essentially, within each module there are a number of Practice Standards, within each Practice Standard there is an outcome and each outcome has a number of indicators. Kind of like Russian dolls.

To read the full article, please visit the website.

Jessica Quilty, 2019, Disability Services Consulting (

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