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The impact of home maintenance and modification services on 'ageing in place'; Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute


Final Report: No. 123: The role of home maintenance and modification services in achieving health, community care and housing outcomes in later life ( 963 KB PDF Document) can now be downloaded by clicking on the active link.

This report was commisioned by the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI) to assist the government to better understand The impact of home maintenance and modification services on 'ageing in place'. Their reasoning was that while the number of home maintenance and modification programs around Australia had increased steadily over past decades, the policy framework for these services needed more development. This project was funded to provide a research foundation for understanding the impacts of home maintenance and modification services on 'ageing in place' and housing adjustments in later life, and for developing more effective policies.

This research project had two broad aims, one focused on research and the other on policy.

  1. Developing  a foundations for a more extensive evidence base to underpin policies to provide home maintenance and modification (HMM) services to older Australians.
  2. Summarisation of current research, including the international research literature and the findings of this study, so as to critically analyse current policy settings and consider alternatives.


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