“Managing Falls in the Community” workshop An interactive 2 day workshop designed for assessment officers, case managers, direct care workers and allied health with limited falls prevention experience. It provides current evidence, best practice and practical strategies necessary to manage falls when working with older people in the community. It includes an interactive Falls Prevention Training expo. Venue: National Ageing Research Institute, Building 9, Royal Park campus of the Royal Melbourne Hospital via gate 4, 34-54 Poplar Road, PARKVILLE VIC Time: 9am – 4.00pm P: +61 3 8387 2148 F: +61 3 9387 4030 E: l.bon@nari.unimelb.edu.au
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Tue 20 Jul 2010 - Wed 21 Jul 2010 (All day)
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Created 19th July 2010
Reads 2298