Do you find prescribing ramps and landingschallenging?Would you like to develop/consolidate thepractical skills required to prescribe ramps andlandings for your clients?Do you find calculating circulation spacerequirements at doorways difficult?Would you like to be able to conduct a site visitusing a systematic approach?Do you provide supervision for occupationaltherapists who prescribe ramps and landings?If you answered YES to any of the abovethen this workshop will be of great value toyou!This hands-on workshop will cover 1: 14gradient ramps and step ramps.The focus is on increasing occupationaltherapists knowledge base and practical skillsin relation to prescribing ramps and landings.It will include the following topics• OT and builder roles• OT assessment process• Exploring all options for access• Application of AS 1428, as appropriate• Landings and circulation spaces• Handrails and kerb rails• Conducting a site visit• Ramp design• Documentation and follow up
Thu 23 May 2013, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Queanbeyan, NSW
CostHMMS Members $470Associate Membership $550Non Members $795Register online at www.nswhmms.orgGo to Training and EventsRegistration time 8.30amWorkshop time 9.00am – 4.30pmMorning tea, lunch and afternoon tea will be provided.Presenters: State Council has a dynamic team ofoccupational therapists who will present this workshopin multiple locations across NSW.
Expressions of interest to email or
Name Nicolie ScrivenerPhone 02 6622 8386Link
Created 16th April 2013
Reads 1653